New book on Hans Kammler

Hi all, I would like to tell you about a new book on SS General Hans Kammler. The book is based on many years of research and new documents. Including some released to the authors under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Hidden Nazi: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the Devil by Dean Reuter, Colm Lowery and Keith Chester.

Dean Reuter is General Counsel of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy and a fellow at the National Security Institute at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School. He was appointed to office by a former president and is editor of Liberty’s Nemesis: The Unchecked Expansion of the State and Confronting Terror: 9/11 and the Future of American National Security.

I hope this book will be of interest to everyone!

Thank you for reading.
You can find more details on the book here ....



Worte im Dunkel
Als Ergänzung ein paar Informationen aus dem obigen Amazon-Link:

He’s the worst Nazi war criminal you’ve never heard of

Sidekick to SS Chief Heinrich Himmler and supervisor of Nazi rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, General Hans Kammler was responsible for the construction of Hitler’s slave labor sites and concentration camps. He personally altered the design of Auschwitz to increase crowding, ensuring that epidemic diseases would complement the work of the gas chambers.

Why has the world forgotten this monster? Kammler was declared dead after the war. But the aide who testified to Kammler’s supposed “suicide” never produced the general’s dog tags or any other proof of death.

Dean Reuter, Colm Lowery, and Keith Chester have spent decades on the trail of the elusive Kammler, uncovering documents unseen since the 1940s and visiting the purported site of Kammler’s death, now in the Czech Republic.

Their astonishing discovery: US government documents prove that Hans Kammler was in American custody for months after the war—well after his officially declared suicide.

And what happened to him after that? Kammler was kept out of public view, never indicted or tried, but to what end? Did he cooperate with Nuremberg prosecutors investigating Nazi war crimes? Was he protected so the United States could benefit from his intimate knowledge of the Nazi rocket program and Germany’s secret weapons?

The Hidden Nazi is true history more harrowing—and shocking—than the most thrilling fiction.
Erscheinungsdatum: 8. Oktober 2019
Hallo, here are some book reviews for The hidden Nazi: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the Devil.

1. Advance praise for The Hidden Nazi from Pulitzer Prize Finalist, author and historian Arthur Herman:

It’s strange that no one has yet written a biography of SS General Hans Kammler, one of the brutal masterminds of the German military-industrial complex and the Holocaust. But when you read ‘The Hidden Nazi’ you will realize that until now no one had the knowledge, persistence, and sheer nerve that the authors brought to the job of unlocking the multiple mysteries surrounding this evil genius of the Third Reich.

It’s a story where Schindler’s List meets Doctor Strangelove. Read it, be amazed and shocked by what Kammler did, and outraged by how he escaped final justice; but above all read ‘The Hidden Nazi.’

Arthur Herman, Pulitzer Prize Finalist, historian and author of:

Gandhi & Churchill: The Epic Rivalry that Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age.
1917: Lenin, Wilson, and the Birth of the New World Disorder.
Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II.
To Rule the Waves: How the British Navy Shaped the Modern World
Douglas MacArthur: American Warrior

2. Advance praise for The Hidden Nazi from award-winning, NYT bestselling author James Swanson:

Werner von Braun called him “The greatest rogue and adventurer I have ever seen.” Albert Speer damned him as “One of Himmler’s most brutal and most ruthless henchmen.” He engineered the Holocaust, built the concentration camps and perfected the gas chambers and crematoria. He pioneered slave labor, and masterminded rocket, fighter jet and secret, wonder weapon production. And at the end of W.W. II, he vanished without a trace. Enigmatic SS General Hans Kammler is the most diabolic Nazi you’ve never heard of.

Dean Reuter takes readers on a gripping, exciting and suspenseful hunt in search of the mysterious war criminal. The Hidden Nazi is a fascinating forensic detective story that reads like a great crime thriller. Did Kammler fake his death and survive the war? How did he escape justice? Did America strike a deal with the devil in exchange for his secrets?

Splendidly written with verve and expertise, The Hidden Nazi is storytelling at its best.

Dean Reuter combines superb narrative history with a riveting personal memoir of his harrowing psychological journey into Hans Kammler’s heart of darkness.

JAMES L. SWANSON, Edgar Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of Manhunt: The 12 Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer.

Available now for pre-order on Amazon:


Hallo, here are some book reviews for The hidden Nazi: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the Devil.

1. Advance praise for The Hidden Nazi from Pulitzer Prize Finalist, author and historian Arthur Herman:

It’s strange that no one has yet written a biography of SS General Hans Kammler, one of the brutal masterminds of the German military-industrial complex and the Holocaust. But when you read ‘The Hidden Nazi’ you will realize that until now no one had the knowledge, persistence, and sheer nerve that the authors brought to the job of unlocking the multiple mysteries surrounding this evil genius of the Third Reich.

It’s a story where Schindler’s List meets Doctor Strangelove. Read it, be amazed and shocked by what Kammler did, and outraged by how he escaped final justice; but above all read ‘The Hidden Nazi.’

Arthur Herman, Pulitzer Prize Finalist, historian and author of:

Gandhi & Churchill: The Epic Rivalry that Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age.
1917: Lenin, Wilson, and the Birth of the New World Disorder.
Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II.
To Rule the Waves: How the British Navy Shaped the Modern World
Douglas MacArthur: American Warrior

2. Advance praise for The Hidden Nazi from award-winning, NYT bestselling author James Swanson:

Wernher von Braun called him “The greatest rogue and adventurer I have ever seen.” Albert Speer damned him as “One of Himmler’s most brutal and most ruthless henchmen.” He engineered the Holocaust, built the concentration camps and perfected the gas chambers and crematoria. He pioneered slave labor, and masterminded rocket, fighter jet and secret, wonder weapon production. And at the end of W.W. II, he vanished without a trace. Enigmatic SS General Hans Kammler is the most diabolic Nazi you’ve never heard of.

Dean Reuter takes readers on a gripping, exciting and suspenseful hunt in search of the mysterious war criminal. The Hidden Nazi is a fascinating forensic detective story that reads like a great crime thriller. Did Kammler fake his death and survive the war? How did he escape justice? Did America strike a deal with the devil in exchange for his secrets?

Splendidly written with verve and expertise, The Hidden Nazi is storytelling at its best.

Dean Reuter combines superb narrative history with a riveting personal memoir of his harrowing psychological journey into Hans Kammler’s heart of darkness.

JAMES L. SWANSON, Edgar Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of Manhunt: The 12 Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer.

Available now for pre-order on Amazon:
Hallo zusammen,

dieses Buch wird seit einiger in nahezu allen Foren derart "reißerisch" beworben (Zitat".. es ist seltsam, daß noch niemand ein Buch [...] über Kammler geschrieben hat..."). Dabei gibt es mindestens 3 Bücher aus den letzten 20 Jahren.

Skeptiker im amerikanischen Axis History Forum bezeichnen dieses Buch "als ein weiteres aus der 2+2=35 Kategorie".

Die Kernfrage lautet m. E.: Was hatte Kammler denn den US-Forschern bzw Geheimdiensten an wirklich(!!) Wichtigem anzubieten, dass man ihn vor gerichtlicher Verfolgung schützen und eventuell gesetzeswidrig in die USA schaffen sollte?
Kammler war - trotz seiner vielfältigen Sonderfunktionen bei Kriegsende- kein Forscher, technisches Genie oder Erfinder, sondern "nur" ein brillianter Verwaltungs- u Organisationsmanager. Der gleiche Typus von Manager, Albert Speer, wurde ausgiebigst fachlich verhört und dann selbstverständlich vor Gericht gestellt und nicht in die USA verbracht!

Mit nachdenklichen Grüssen
Hi All,

The Hidden Nazi: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the Devil - the new book on SS General Hans Kammler - is now available for sale. Here are some of the five star reviews received so far on;

5 stars - A Must Read
Dean Reuter and team have authored a thrilling and original contribution to the history of World War II. While you might think there isn't much new ground to cover in a subject area that has been written about so extensively, they do so in this deeply researched, yet briskly moving book. This is a must read for all who enjoy World War II and American history, as well as those who simply want to add a good read to their bookshelf. Five stars!

5 stars - WOW
"Riveting is an understatement. The fact that we have known zero about Kammler until now makes it all the more compelling. Reuter’s writing style keeps this rolling throughout like a hijacked train."

5 stars - Incredible read
Great read. Such an incredible story that is told in a way that keeps you turning pages.

5 stars - Amazing writing and a gripping journey on the hunt for the truth
"I was given an advance copy of this book in return for an honest review of the book . The Hidden Nazi sits in a genre of WW2 books which I don’t often read. At times I find that books of this nature can be hard to follow or are devoid of energy and pace but this book is different. Dean Reuter, Colm Lowery and Keith Chester have done a great job researching and writing this book. Hans Kammler was instrumental in many of Germany’s WW2 building projects for the Third Reich. He helped engineer the most diabolical and efficient killing machines, the Nazi regime’s concentration camps. With ruthless efficiency this ‘old hand Nazi’ was instrumental in Germany’s ability to carry out the holocaust and other war crimes and this places him amongst some of the top henchmen of Hitler and Himmler. He oversaw the construction and manufacture of the Vergeltungswaffen (Vengence weapons V1 & V2) as well as other prototypes for advanced rockets. Documents uncovered in the trios research also show that we was involved in the research of nuclear weapons and long range ballistics that could deliver them to other continents. The teams volume of research is immense and at times groundbreaking. The story reads beautifully and each new piece of evidence pulls you along through the pages as you join the search for the next piece of the puzzle in the ultimate search for Kammler. I have thoroughly enjoyed the book and learned much of the role of Kammler and the SS in the research and development of weapons that played their part in the war and the space race in years to come. Dean Reuter’s writing is superb, he draws you in and takes you on an adventure as the team work towards finding the truth behind what happened to Dr Hans Kammler. A great book and one you will want to add to your library"

Many thanks


Das Buch von Dean Reuter, The hidden Nazi, macht einen zwiespältigen Eindruck, auch wegen handwerklicher Fehler:
Schumann, we know, would later disappear into Russia, where he reemerged as the lead researcher for the Soviets’ atom bomb project, which would bear fruit within four short years. Anm. 43
Zitat: Anm. 43:
Paul Rosbaud, letter to Samuel A. Goudsmit, September 9, 1945, Samuel A. Goudsmit papers, Neils Bohr Library & Archives, American Institute of Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, Maryland, Digital Collections, Box 26, Folder 20, Flossenburg: Caves, 1944.

Schumann war m.E. nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges untergetaucht und hat nie für die Sowjets gearbeitet.


... wie immer keine Zeit ...
In der Wikipedia steht dazu:
"... Nach Ende des Nationalsozialismus 1945 hoffte Schumann vergeblich auf eine Tätigkeit an einer Universität, da er erheblich belastet war. Er war öffentlicher Kritik ausgesetzt. Die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft und ihr Vorsitzender Max von Laue verhinderten zunächst seine Übernahme in den universitären öffentlichen Dienst [siehe Gerhard Rammer: „Sauberkeit im Kreise der Kollegen“. 2007, S. 389–409. ]. Nach Hamburg verzogen, wurde er 1949 bis 1963 Leiter des Helmholtz-Instituts für Tonpsychologie und medizinische Akustik."

Klingt irgendwie nicht nach Russland und Atombombe...


... wie immer keine Zeit ...
Ich halte es aber dennoch für möglich, dass das über Schumann und Russland in der zitierten Quelle "Paul Rosbaud, letter to Samuel A. Goudsmit, September 9, 1945" drinsteht.

Rosbaud war ja für den Springer-Verlag und für den MI6 tätig, daher hatte er sowohl gute Kontakte zu den dt. Wissenschaftlern und zu den Alliierten. Im Sommer 45 ging es zwar nicht mehr so drunter und drüber wie zu Kriegsende, aber von geordneten Verhältnissen konnte ja noch keine Rede sein.

Im Brief von Rosbaud an Goudsmit (der damals m. W. in Paris saß) wird dementsprechend wohl viel den Umständen geschuldetes Hörensagen enthalten sein.